
best natural cough remedies

- November 24, 2018

Honey tea

The honey is topped with a spoon and placed in a cup of tea with lemon slices.

A popular family therapy for coughing is to mix honey with warm water.

According to some studies, honey can relieve cough

A study of children's nocturnal cough treatment compared dark honey with the cough suppressant dextromethorphan and untreated.

Researchers report that honey can most significantly relieve cough, followed by dextromethorphan.

Although honey has little benefit to dextromethorphan, parents are most likely to evaluate all three interventions.

To treat cough with honey, mix 2 teaspoons (teaspoon) with warm or herbal tea. Drink this mixture once or twice a day. Do not feed honey to children under 1 year of age.
